EMSHE recipients will be eligible to receive the following benefits:


Seniors in the Center for Pre-Law who are selected will receive an initial award for assistance with general expenses and/or tuition.

Center for Pre-Law alumni (current college students or graduates) who are selected will receive an initial award for assistance with general expenses, pre-law expenses, and/or tuition.

Prior EMSHE recipients may reapply each year in college to request a supplemental award for assistance with general expenses, tuition, or specific pre-law expenses.

*General expenses include those that are not covered in tuition and are generally not met by financial aid/scholarships (i.e. moving expenses, school deposits, housing deposits, meal plan deposits, transportation, food, books, academic tutoring services, etc.).

*Pre-Law expenses can include law school application fees, LSAT fees/test prep/tutoring, pre-law prep programs and conferences, and mock trial/moot court competitions.

Mentorship and Development

EMSHE recipients will receive mentoring/advising/networking support from members of the Scholarship Committee (or mentors selected by the Scholarship Committee). This includes advice during college (especially with regard to being pre-law) and the law school application process.